CenTex Catholic Men, Waco
Contact: Robert Tunmire tunmire@gmail.com | 254-744-4199
St. Jerome, Waco
Contact: Bill Leek bleek1951@hotmail.com | 254-716-3416
St. Louis, Waco
Contact: Tony Moore ttiger19566@aol.com | 254-715-8589
St. Mary of the Assumption, West
Contact: Jim Maguire jimmaguire@prodigy.net
Sacred Heart, Waco
Contact: Deacon Lorenzo Garcia sacredheartwaco@yahoo.com | 254-756-2656
Want to start a Men's Ministry? You can at:
St. Mary's, Waco
St. Mary's, Mexia
St Eugene, McGregor
St Joseph, Marlin
Sacred Heart, Lott
St Martin, Tours
St Thomas, Hamilton
St Francis, Waco
St Joseph, Bellmead
Our Lady Lourdes, Gatesville
St Philip, China Spring
St. Peter Catholic Student Center, Waco
St John the Baptist, Waco
Christ the King, Belton
Contact: Jeff Putska putskaj@gmail.com | 254-913-1135
St. Paul Chong Hassang, Harker Heights
Contact: Michael Candelas michael@austin.twcbe.com | 254-285-8973
St. Stephen, Salado
Contact: Robert Michalewicz rmichalewicz@hotmail.com | 254-760-5307
Holy Family, Copperas Cove
Contact: Tom McNew uttanker11@gmail.com | 254-371-7566
Want to start a Men's Ministry? You can at:
St. Luke, Temple
St. Mary's, Temple