For me, the hardest part of prayer has always been turning my mind off and listening to what God has to say. But it seems that no matter how hard it is, if I just shut up and listen something always comes to mind. This week, I was really struggling in my prayer time because something kept popping into my head. (click title for more)
I've been thinking a lot about these three guys over the past couple of weeks. And how each of them reflect who we are as the CTFCM. First Adam. Yeah we all know Adams story. Adam talked directly with God, but he failed to do his job. He didn't protect his family from the evil One, he decided to go against God's will, and he eventually blamed all of the errors on Eve. But did you ever notice ... Adam was a loner. It was just him and Eve. No one to cover his back. .... (click title for more)
We all know the parable of the talents. How each servant was granted certain talents from their master and how the master reacted to each servant based upon the number of talents that each servant returned. I've always thought about that parable by the definition of gifts or skills that the Lord has granted me. I've thought about the parable from a point of "Have I used the gifts wisely? or "Have I returned those gifts to the Lord by using them fruitfully for His purpose?" .... (click title for more)