One of the things that we try to do with the CTFCM is to differentiate ourselves from past efforts. You see, men’s ministries have been around for a long time. Many parishes have some sort of a men’s club, the K of C are a devoted fixture in many parishes and there are men all over the country that volunteer countless hours helping their parishes by maintaining the grounds, fundraising, putting on the parish celebrations and don’t forget the Lenten fish fry’s. (Click title to read more)
The first reference to farmers and shepherds is in Genesis. Adams son’s Cain and Able were the first farmers and shepherds. And of course Jesus often spoke in terms that farmers and shepherds would understand. Vine growers, sowers and reapers of wheat, laborers of the field, and of course the imagery of Himself as the Good Shepherd. I look at my own faith journey and I realize how there have been men that planted the seed of my faith, and have cultivated my faith by sharing knowledge and experience. There have been others who have served as shepherd. The shepherds have been those that have corrected my behavior, or who have coaxed me along a spiritual pathway.