When you arrive, please be sure to register at the Sacred Heart Center (SHC). See the map and image of the SHC entrance below to guide you.
Introducing Our Speakers
Curtis Martin, Founder of FOCUS
Curtis Martin is the President and Founder of FOCUS, the Fellowship of Catholic University Students, one of the fastest growing movements in the Catholic Church. Archbishop Charles Chaput of Denver stated, “No one does a more dynamic job of reaching college students for Christ than FOCUS.”In addition to his work with FOCUS, Curtis serves on the Board of Trustees of the Augustine Institute in Denver. Whether he is on college campuses or television, at conferences or working with corporate America, Curtis is an award-winning and proven dynamic speaker who has the ability to help his audience discover a vision for life. Curtis holds a Masters degree in Theology and is the author of the best-selling book Made for More. He is co-author of Boys to Men: The Transforming Power of Virtue and Family Matters: A Scripture Study on Marriage and Family as well as a contributing author of Catholic for a Reason, Vols. I, II, III and IV. He was awarded the inaugural Excellence in Evangelization award by Envoy magazine. In 2004 Curtis and his wife Michaelann were awarded the Benemerenti Medal by Pope John Paul II for their outstanding service to the Church. Curtis and Michaelann live in Colorado and have been blessed with nine children and eight grandchildren.
Kevin Wells, Catholic Author & Former MLB Reporter
Kevin Wells is a former award-winning Catholic author, speaker, and former sports reporter with the Tampa Tribune, where he covered Major League Baseball. He is the best-selling author of The Hermit: The Priest Who Saved a Soul, a Marriage, and a Family (Ignatius Press), and The Priests We Need to Save the Church, a written plea for holy priests to live like the paragons, martyrs, and great saints before them. His book has been read by thousands of clergy members and laity and has quickly disseminated in bulk to seminarians across the world. Kevin is a prolific writer whose articles have appeared at Crisis Magazine, Catholic World Report, Catholic Exchange, LifeSiteNews, The National Catholic Register, and Homiletic and Pastoral Review. He is an active evangelist who has spoken on a national Catholic stage including the Legatus Summit, Napa Institute, That Man is You, on EWTN, the TASTE program, as well as hundreds of other men’s and women’s conferences, retreats, seminaries, and events, radio programs and podcasts. Kevin speaks on the urgent need for heroic lives of virtue and untamed Catholicism in the public square, in addition to many other Catholic topics. Wells, inspired by the startling life of American Venerable Aloysius Schwartz, traveled to Mexico and spent a month at World Villages For Children, an organization in Chalco, Mexico run by The Sisters of Mary, a religious community – founded by Venerable Schwartz. Wells was so moved by the stories of “Fr. Al” and witnessing firsthand the sisters’ round-the-clock work to nourish, house, catechize and care for 20,000-plus teens in seven different countries, he penned the acclaimed biography: Priest and Beggar: The Heroic Life of Venerable Aloysius Schwartz, published in 2021 by Ignatius Press.