Too often we try to live a faith we don't know or understand. Some of us stumble along with it, going through the motions. Others simply walk away. That's why the time is right for Symbolon: Knowing the Faith. Presented by the most trusted and compelling teachers and filmed around the world with stunning cinematography, Symbolon: Knowing the Faith explains the essentials of the Catholic Faith in a way that will inform our minds and inspire our hearts. Presented in ten sessions that are ideal for parish catechism, family instruction, and personal devotion.
Knowing the Catholic Faith is one thing, but what about living it? Symbolon: Living the Faith answers that question by exploring how Jesus gave us the Sacraments, the Mass, and the rich treasures of Church teaching to enliven our faith and bring vibrancy to our Catholic lives. With experienced and insightful teaching from top presenters, complemented by beautiful cinematography from around the world, Symbolon: Living the Faith touches on all aspects of our lives for authentic spiritual growth and development.
Who Am I to Judge? Produced by Catholic Encounter Responding to Relativism with Logic and Love
What is “right” and “wrong”? Is what’s right for you right for me? Is there a right and wrong for everyone, all the time? These are difficult questions to discuss in our culture. We live in a society that supports the opinion that each person should make up his or her own morality—that there is no moral truth that applies to everyone. Many of us have been affected by the relativistic outlook that pervades the modern world. Maybe some of us wonder whether there really is an absolute right and wrong for everyone. Or maybe we accept that there is a moral standard for all, but we don’t know how to explain our moral convictions in a convincing way. Maybe some of us are afraid of saying something is immoral because we’re afraid of offending others or of being labeled intolerant. How do we talk about morality in a relativistic world? In this small group study program featuring Edward Sri, we'll explore the classical view of morality and find that it’s not merely a set of guiding principles for theoretical situations—it is an entire way of life.
Bishop Robert Barron:
Word on Fire
Catholicism Journey around the world and deep into the Catholic Faith in all its richness, history, beauty, goodness, and truth in breathtaking, high-definition cinematography.Travel with acclaimed author, speaker and theologian Bishop Robert Barron to more than 50 locations throughout 15 countries. You'll be illuminated by the spiritual and artistic treasures of this global culture, claiming more than one billion of Earth’s people.
From the sacred lands of Israel to the beating heart of Uganda; from the glorious shrines of Italy, France, and Spain to the streets of Mexico, Kolkata, and New York City; the fullness of CATHOLICISM is revealed.
Includes English and Spanish audio and subtitle options.
Dr. Brad Pitre
Jesus the Bridgroom
A lecture by Dr Brant Pitre's on his book "Jesus the Bridegroom: The Greatest Love Story Every Told". Pitre explains how Jesus' sarifice on the cross is the love par excellence a bridegroom has for his bride, the Church. Pitre is speaking from behind a lecturn but his expreience as a seminary professor shows because he is entertaining while educating on the beauty of the marriage allegory in Jesus' passion.
A lecture by Dr Brant Pitre's on his book "The Case for Jesus". Pitre explains how we know the Gospels are reliable sources of ancient information and how they can be evaulated in light of modern thinking. Pitre provides an excellent walk through of how to understand, and demontrate, the Gospels can be believed in light of reason, and not just faith.