As I travel from parish to parish, it is always interesting to hear the same feedback. “We could use more guys” or “It’s always the same people working” or “I wish more guys would pitch in.” It doesn’t really matter how big the parish is, or how many resources, or how established it is … it seems that the numbers and the feedback are pretty consistent.
The funny thing about it is that people are always concerned about the amount of work that needs to be done and the fact that there is more work than there are people to get it finished. Something dawned on me a while back. Jesus told us to “Go Make Disciples.” The earliest Christians shared their gifts, their time, their wealth, and were often martyred for their faith.
It seems that today we are so focused on other tasks, that we have forgotten to make disciples. As a result, our churches can barely meet their budgets, volunteers are few and far between, ministries are lacking and many will not sacrifice Sunday morning to make it to Mass, much less sacrifice their life for the faith.
Christ knew that if you make disciples first, then all of the other stuff gets done. Disciples willingly donate their time, their talent and their resources to do God’s work.
We at the CTFCM have intentionally changed our Mission to, “Help Men become stronger Disciples of Christ.” By addressing discipleship, then our families will be led by faith filled men, our parishes have the advantage of faithful families, and our society benefits from the willing gift of time, talent and resources that true disciples are willing to share.
I am truly thankful for the men and women who donate their time, talent and treasure to the church and to ministries like ours. But if you are reading this Blog, ask yourself, “Am I really living my life as a disciple?” or “What am I doing to bring more disciples to Christ?”
We are all being called to live as Stronger Disciples … and help lead others to Christ. If you want to know how to help, visit our website and leave me a message.