A 21 Day challenge step-by-step plan to break free from porn. Powerful videos & challenges delivered daily. Quit Porn & Live a Better Life. Journey with Matt Fradd and brothers from around the world each day in the online community. LIVE EVENTS - Exclusive access to past, current, and future interactive live streams with Matt & special guests.
RECLAiM Sexual Health offers a science-based, Catholic Online Recovery Program and other resources for those who desire to reclaim God’s plan for their lives and the lives of loved ones impacted by pornography or other unhealthy sexual behaviors. The RECLAiM Sexual Health Online Recovery Program provides a unique integration of Theology of the Body and The Brain Science of Behavior Change.
Freedom: Battle Strategies for Conquering Temptation - Everett Fritz
Sexual freedom isn't just about conquering sexual addictions; it's about saying yes to real love and embracing purity. In Freedom Everett Fritz explains God’s design for sexuality and why it’s the only path that can lead to true happiness. Topics include:
The harm in pornography and masturbation
How to break free from sexual addiction
Why true masculinity is rooted in sexual purity, virtue, and sacrificial love
Advice for establishing and maintaining pure relationships
Specifics about "how far is too far"
Cast off the shackles of impurity and find freedom by pursuing authentic love. Learn to become a man of virtue and become the man God created you to be.
Delivered: True Stories of Men and Women Who Turned From Porn to Purity –
Matt Fradd
Delivered is proof that no one is beyond the reach of God’s healing grace. Matt Fradd's Delivered fills a need within the Church like no other work has done before. Pornography is an issue that doesn't impact only teens or males. It's a scourge that has wounded virtually all families—and society as a whole. Through a collection of powerful testimonies, this book not only reveals why pornography is so damaging, but shows how the vice can be overcome and the damage undone.
Restored: True Stories of Love and Trust After Porn – Matt Fradd
In Restored you’ll read ten honest, hard-hitting accounts of real women and couples whose lives were shattered by porn’s destructive effects. But because God’s grace is stronger, they were able to find healing and hope, trust renewed, and intimacy restored.